
Thursday, September 6, 2012

How to Make Your Own Foaming Handsoap

So hear my heart on this. I know that most of the world has much bigger problems than buying foaming hand soap. I don't know why it ticks me off, but it does. I have three (YES you heard me correctly - THREE) foaming handsoap dispensers that are mere seconds away from being empty. (Why do they always have to empty at the same time?)
And today I don't know. Maybe it's the lack of sleep (3 month old)....Maybe it's the rush of getting my preschooler packed up and out the door for school. Maybe it's the shelling out of $10 (or more) to replace HANDSOAP. Maybe I just don't feel like schlepping to the store right now. Again, I don't know. But I digress. I don't want to buy the handsoap.
And a brilliant/crazy thought runs through my head. I'll bet you could make some. It would be so CHEAP. (4 bottles of soap per month, at $3 each, times 12 months in the year...unbelievably that is $144 on HANDSOAP!!) There can't even be that much actual soap in a bottle- it's probably mostly water to make it foam, I thought to myself. I've seen the commercials- people use Palmolive dish soap on everything- including those ducks rescued from oil spill disasters. Why not just pour some into the bottles I already have, add some water and call it a day?
Ok, so then I think- somebody else has got to have already had this brain flash. I can't be the only one, right? (I hope? I'm not crazy, right?) So, a very short google search ensues. It wasn't hard. Just a couple clicks of the mouse to sweet validation/victory.
You can visit these fine sites and more if you don't believe me:
There are many different reasons why these folks have chosen to make their own handsoap. And many different ways. Do what you think is best for your own household. All I know is- I didn't have foaming handsoap this morning. Now I do. I didn't have to go to the store. I didn't have to pay any money. Most importantly, I didn't have to put make-up on or change out of my yoga pants to leave my house. We needed soap (with a baby in diapers, a  4-year-old, a dog, and a cat, believe me- we NEEDED soap). Now we have soap. And, it even looks pretty on my countertops. Seems so simple. It's blowing my mind a little.
If you want to make soap like I made today, here's how.
Gather your ingredients. All you need is a foaming soap dispenser, some water, and some Palmolive (I like the pomegranate scented kind because it smells good and it's pretty) or I'm sure other kinds of dish liquid soap would work.

Now, pour a wee bit of the Palmolive into your hand-pump. I didn't measure. I just put in what I thought looked about right. I actually ended up putting a little bit more in than you see in this photo to bring it to a better "foaming consistency." Trial and error, baby!
Fill the rest of the pump with water. I used water straight from my sink (I mean- hey- that's the water I'm washing my hands with anyway, right?), but you could use distilled as some of the other websites suggest. Watch out- it starts foaming right away!! Note- do this over the sink!!
Now, screw the lid back on. Here's the fun part: do a little shimmy-shake with the bottle to distribute the soap. I'm shocked at how simple this was to do, and how good the soap came out. I'm going to wait and see if my husband even notices the difference. 
Pardon my English, ya'll, but it smells good, looks good, works good. And probably best of all, it was cheap and easy to do. Now I better get to work on that soap pump you see in the background!!

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